Thursday, January 20, 2011

Hey guys! =)
Despite plans to head on to Hampi tomorrow im still in Arambol in Goa, ive been distracted by a really nice project called 'Balanced View' which are doing workshops over the next few months here, so am going to hang around until the 30th and then quickly blast my way through to Pondicherry to start my volunteering with Sadhana Forest... Beach life is nice, been getting myself slightly less white slowly slowly and relaxing.  Keep on meeting more and more really sound people to spend a few hours with her and there....getting involved more in Balanced View is nice too as there is a really tight community there and going to open meetings every morning brings a little structure to my day! I think im also going to do some AcroYoga while im here for another week, and maybe some yoga.  There is sooooo much to choose from-seriously Goa is a hippie mecca.  Pocketbelts and leather skirts struggling not to spend all my money and failing DISMALLY.  The only thing that is saving me is that i know i will have to lug it all around India for another 3months, hehe!
Ive managed to get over a horrible bout of cold i had for a couple of days and feeling SO much better now, spent all of yesterday in bed, henna-ing every exposed piece of skin to ward of boredom and drinking lots of ginger tea.  It seems to have done the trick =) Ive just been to dinner with a really sound girl from Balanced View called Leah from UK who will be moving to Brizzzzle when she gets back, shes a born and bred goan hippie and has got the accent and head wiggle down-to-a-friggin-artform.  Its all the entertainment you need, forget Eastenders.....
So yeh, all is hunkydory, a lot happier in my own company....spend most of my day on my own but usually ending up to chatting to enough people to keep me happily (in)sane.  Managed to get the ol'eating-on-your-own-in-a-restaurant-thing down, and can now multitask and eat and breath all at the same time, a very useful skill to have.
Been taking lots of photos, im afraid im hardly in any of them as its just me and im not touristy enough to take japanese style photos of myself next to a street urchin with a peace sign and a cheesy grin, that'll be tomorrows job ;-) My memory card reader seems to have given up the ghost so uploading may be tricky but ill try my best before i leave reasonable internet land to upload some pretty pics for you all soon.


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