Thursday, December 1, 2011


FIRST DAY IN OZ! I arrived into Melbourne Airport at 7:30pm yesterday afternoon with the best airport greeting since Love Actually.  The journey was pretty hellish: travelling back from the family farm at 11am on Monday and arriving back into bristol for 4, failing at getting some shut eye before my coach at 2:30am to Heathrow which took nearlly 3 hours, 3 hours wait in the airport, 6 1/2 hour flight to Abu Dhabi, 2 hours wait and then 14 hour flight to Melbourne, and 2 hours drive to Ruffy! What a journey!!
Within the first 20mins of the drive to Ruffy I saw (and this is not an exaduration) a good 200 Kangas, and as we were pulling into Ruffy there was a Koala crossing the road which looked at us for a sec then bounced off up a eucalyptus tree near by =) Pretty amazing start to life in Oz.

Despite being really exhausted it felt like trying to go to sleep at midday, when we went to bed at 11pm.  Tom's still suffering from jetlag 5days in, and I can see that its not going to be as easy as i thought to nip it in the bud.  We were both wide awake at 5:30am this morning, snuggled up in Toms gorgeous family home in the bush in a little hamlet called Ruffy.  The house is gorgeous and the gardens even more so, it looks like a big tree house surrounded by fruit trees and flowers and vegetable patches.  The house was built by Toms dad, John, and is all wood except for a bit of stone work on the outside where you can see that the house used to be an old church.  Theres a beautiful wood stove inside that heats the house, and its so beautiful and cosy! Its pretty chilly here when the sun goes in, so weve been cosying up and keeping warm next to the stove when we havnt been catching some spring sunshine outside, picking strawberries, and making pancakes and strawberry crumble! What a gorgeous first day =) Toms dad is a wood sculptor as well as amazing at all things DIY, and he has a studio out in the gardens with some gorgeous wood sculptures hanging around in there and out near the trees.  I took some pics of them which will be at the bottom of this entry.
So the plan is to relax here tomorrow, then were both going to head into the city on Saturday, Tom to a reunion with his friends, and me to catch up with some pals and do my first BV open meeting from Melbourne!
Sleepily excited and so happy to be here, love to you all and enjoy the pics =) <3 xxx


  1. Wow, the place looks beautiful. Very happy for you, hope you enjoy your adventures. Lots of love xxxx

  2. Thanks hun =) yeh its stunning. cant believe iv seen kangas, koala and kookaburra already! Xx

  3. Omg! Now you are gonna get a visit from Lani, who swore she'd never go to oz coz of the creepy crawlies! She's well jealous! Keeps tutting and saying "I'd love to go to Australia! She saw koala's & kangaroos! I bet I never get invited by my Australian boyfriend to live in Australia."
    I'm just sighing & looking at that load of vines & the hand built house & thinking "grass is always dryer on the other side".
    Lani's got a cough and she's wondering "if I die, do you think she'll come back for my funeral"

    Well, it's glorious here. ;-). Crows are pecking on the windows & defo no strawberries growing round here in spring. Caw caw!


  4. Bexi that's amazing! I can't believe it's spring anywhere on earth, seems impossible!
    Hope the BV lot are as lovely out there as they are in Bristol, i bet they miss you!!
    Love you lots and counting the days till your return :) x x x x

  5. Looks gorgeous, darling...what beauty! Take it gently as you get over your jetlag. Love, love, love, Dad x

  6. mum- hehe give those girlios a squidge from me and tell lani ill scout her out a justin beber look alike out here in Oz if shes that bothered, and 1/yes i bloody well would come back if she died and 2/stop being silly and have a cough sweet ;-) The vines are believe it or not Kiwi vines, theyve just flowered and i think the families been eating kiwis non stop for the last 2 months and the thought of another one would drive them mad.

    Dad- lots of love pops and yeh i think the jetlag is gonna make me chill and take it easy whether i like it or not!

    Nutmeg- hello ladyo =) Havnt headed into melbourne city yet, but will do next week after the jetlag subsides a bit, yeh im pretty sure theyre a lovely ol bunch out here too, lots of love chicka!
