Monday, January 9, 2012

Hey everyone! First post as a 24 year old, crazy craaaaazy times! Im now officially Toms older women ;-) hehe. All good this side of the world, just trying to get lots and lots of work in the next month in readiness for India in just over a month.  Works pretty shiiiiiit but that kinda comes with the waitressing job description but im slogging on through and some of the people make it bareable.
Had an awesome birthday down under: went and saw the new sherlock holmes movie with young tom, had lunch at the beeeest chinese place in China town called DonDons (nom nom nom!), then went to Pallookavilles in Fitzroy for tastey drinks and food with lots of lovelies I have met through Tom in the last month, and the gorgeous english lasses Lucy and Bex.  Was grand to be sure <3
Toms brother Jim and his lovely lady miss Kim Boekbinder (who is an AWESOME musician herself: ) wangled us all in with free tickets and backstage passes to see the Dresden Dolls last night at the Forum Theatre in Melbourne central. 
 They were...unreal.  Amanda Palmer is HOT, and I tell no lie ;-) check out this video above of the Dresden Dolls and you'll see why it was such an awesome gig!
So all going well over here, thinking of you all over there and missing you all lots! Will keep on with the updates.
Much love,
Bexi xx

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