Saturday, November 12, 2011


Its mine and tom's first night in Barcelona and we're chilling in our amazing shared apartment overlooking the hustle and bustle of a busy saturday night on the Grand de Garcia, a gorgeous district in the north west of central barcelona.  We seem to have landed in a mediteranean inspired idyll in the centre of the city, a huge apartment complete with 2 balconies and stunning traditional tiled floors.  After a bit of a bone shaking easyjet flight for yours truly, we arrived a little tired after our early morning start, but seriously happy to be greeted by the warm sunshine of november in the mediteranean.  The streets were alive with locals and tourists alike, all sporting flipflops and tshirts instead of the customary british puffa jackets and boots of this time of year.  I quickly noticed that my furry jacket was not going to be needed for the next 5 days and switched into sunshine mode.  We spent our first afternoon miandering around the back streets of the area surrounding the Placa de Catalunya, surrounded by a beautiful maze of tall apartment buildings and tree lined streets.  We had some tastey grub at a cafe we stumbled upon through an archway hidden down a bustling back street, spent some time slurping on syruppy frappe lattes and pondering what on earth to order on a menu that looked like a dyslexic english person had written it; half guessing at words that might be what they look like but at the same time could well be a far cry from what we intended to order! We luckily ended up, thanks to a very friendly customer who spoke a little english and could translate our gobbldigook to the lovely waitress, with the tastiest salad with fresh tomato, buffalo mozzarella, pesto and lettuce, and a salmon toasted roll.  The food was delicious, especially when eaten in a foreign city surrounded by the mysterious language and sights of a city that was waiting to be explored!
Bed and an early night cosied up watching movies calls, with plans of many adventures for our first full day in Barcelona tomorrow!
Until then =) xxx

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