Saturday, November 5, 2011

10 months on...

So much has happened since I last used this blog- it was so lovely refinding this and reading through my last post on here and really remembering the beginnings of this year and my journey with Balanced View.  I stayed in India until the 20th April, spending up until the middle of March in Arambol working and studying at the Balanced View centre there and also taking a 7day intensive massage course with a lovely man that I met at the centre called Tapesh.  I went off around Hampi and Kerala with a lovely girl called Miriam that I met whilst taking part in the massage course, and then headed up north through Delhi with a gorgeous spanish gal called Gabbi and up to Himanchal Pradesh and Baksu.  I stayed in Baksu for my last couple of weeks, camped up in a beautiful communal living space high up in the foothills of the himalayas with some wonderful friends including the lovely rosie borey who i had wanted to catch up with the whole trip.  Such a lovely way to end my trip and experience the calmness of the north in summer.  Gorgeous memories.
After flying back from India, ridiculously skint, I managed to land a fantastic temporary nanny role with a family in Bath for 3 weeks, looking after their 2 sets of twins.  Intense thing to do pretty much straight away after landing but great for the bank account as I earnt over a grand tax free for 3 weeks work.  The bank manager was smiling.  During this time I also heard news via facebook that Chai Wallahs the festival crew, were recruiting for the 2011 festival season, and applied for a job with them.  I managed to get a reference from Nutmegs ex who had worked for them in 2010 and after a lovely summertime interview with Toast who manages the cafe section, secured the job! So I toured around with the chai wallah stage from the beginning of June until the end of August, doing 7 festivals and a lot of travelling!  During this time I started seeing a lovely aussie fella called Tom who was a fellow newbie to the Chai Wallah crew.  Working for the Chai's was pretty tough at points and really hard work, but such an awesome experience and being with Tom throughout was so lovely.  Since finishing working with the Chai Walli's I have been pretty much perminently been living with Tom in Bristol, and have secure a job nannying a little 1 year old boy called Milo in Clifton, Bristol.  I started working with Milo 3 days after my last festival, and he is such a joy to look after!  My most recent news is that I am in just over 3 weeks moving to Melbourne Australia with Tom =) whos return flight is on the 25th Nov.   I am to fly on the 29th with Etihad airways via AbuDhabi, and due to land after a 23 hour flight.  Its such a big step after just under 5 months of being together, but it felt such a natural thing to do, and is the only way to give our relationship a chance to grow... meeting Tom has been such an amazing experience, and seeing how I have changed during this year is pretty phenominal.  I know for a fact that I would not be in this relationship if it wasnt for my Balanced View training and the support of the Mainstays, and since Tom has started attending and taken part in his first intro training our connection seems to become more and more amazing.
So that is a bit of an update of my 2011 year so far since I last wrote.  Im intending to write quite regularly with updates from Australia, and photos etc.
Until then,
Over and out =) xxx

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