Saturday, January 8, 2011

Ash left for Nepal on my birthday yesterday: This is her leaving photo =)
Dont think Nepal knows what they are allowing into their country- Bloody hippie =P
I've had a really lovely chilled out birthday this year...lots of nice drinking and dancing with friends, lovely gifts (all really practical thankfully so not too much clutter to pack away, horrah!) and good cheer.  Dad took me out for a birthday pub dinner on thursday evening and then tea and birthday brownie on my birthday morning with ash.  Ash was gone by about 2ish on her way to the train station, had a really lovely chilled out moment with her in our garden before she left and rolled her a cheeky rollie to take with her for that moment of panic that was due to occur somewhere along the journey to london.  Now she's gone, the house is REALLY quiet- Daz has been pretty absent recently so im really really glad Mills is going to be moving in this weekend...nice to have someone around and about =).  Ash will be fast snoozy asleep in her second night in Nepal- I wish I could ask her how its all going and hear the gossip, its so annoying not being able to be nosey! <3
Ive properly packed up my bag now.  Still got lots of space left even after adding 2 big boxes of crayons and a massive collection of coloured paper that I got in the kids scrapstore, thought it would be nice to have gifts or the Sadhana Forest kindergarten that they sponsor in the local village.  Im also going to try and buy a big collection of pens to give away too while im travelling, cos I remember a lot of the beggar children asking for pens...which I FAR prefer giving to money (most beggar kids are employed by adults to beg and dont actually get the money you give them in the first place).  I like having small gifts and also some food to give out instead.  Its funny seeing my pack in my room, especially as I have lots of Mill's stuff in my room and other stuff that needs to go into the attic still...doesnt feel that its actually about to happen yet.  But only 4 days left in the country and lots to do still!!!
For now, bye bye! <3

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