Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sooooo! Im off tomorrow...!  Just came back from a delicious meal at Jen's house, anna and mikey and sean were there too so it was a really lovely send off.  The BEST veggi cottage pie EVER for my last dinner in the country before I go tomorrow lunchtime, yum yum yum <3
Im all packed and ready to go, bloomin' impressed with my packing this time- i think ive finally learnt my lesson not to bring too much stuff.  My bags only half full so plenty of space to collect things on the way =)
By the sounds of things everyone wants me to buy them lots of pressies so i think i am going to have to ship a few parcels back when im out there too.
Fun, Fun, Fun! Its funny, Im moving from really calm and a little bit excited, to sudden jolts of tummy nerves.  Im sure its normal...I just think that I havnt had the opportunity to even think about going over the last few days so now its only just kicking in.
Ive had an absolute nightmare couple of days: Daz,mine and ash's other housemate, decided to storm off and move out yesterday, after us having a row on monday evening.  The row was by no means massive, more of a letting loose of some many annoyances that I had tried to keep inside to keep the peace... It all came out though when she started having a go at me for not getting onto the Agency more about sorting out problems with the house.  Drama insude to say the least, she storms out, and the next thing I know I walk in on her moving out all her stuff the next day- no notice, no bills, no council tax, no finding of someone to take on her room, nothing.  She blames me for forcing her out, I blame her for being completely immature/inconsiderate.  Ghastly situation =( Ive had lots of abusive emails, sent some back....its been bloody stressful.  And Ive spent my last 2 days in the country frantically trying to advertise her old room...not something one wants to have to deal with when they are flying the next day.  NIGHTMARE!
But anyway, whats done is done....she isnt paying me back any money she owes me so there is nothing I can do over that.  Cant cry over spilt milk...Im sure she'll get what she deserves one way or another, not exactly good Karma is it really?!
So yeh....will try not to get to RYLED up about that situation again!
Nice things, nice things- INDIA! hehe. bloody hell =S
Next post will be from India.... so long for now peeps =)

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